The series focuses on baseball simulations – games in which the primary emphasis is on managerial strategy and the ability to replay entire seasons with a degree of realism. Other than that I like the game, and look forward to having a draft option and playing many a game, rolling dice with my computer.This is the fifth entry in a series focusing on computer baseball simulations to supplement the chapter “ Play Retro Baseball Video Games In Your Browser” from my Hardball Retroactive book along with the corresponding post at Baseball Analytics. Finally, when you go to the second column, the pitching result plays (have had an inordinate number of 65-8’s that have been outs. Also, some of the pitching ratings are off. Now the negatives… It takes a few seconds (5-10) after hitting the button for the results. It also gives you the option to play it safe with runners, sacrifice, hit and run, and play in with the runner on third. It feels like you are actually rolling a game. Each batter shows their card, and you see the dice result on screen. What I love about this new option is it is a basic game. Also, being the master game, with all of the options, it can overwhelm a master game novice. The biggest issue I have with the current computer game option is that you see the action, but no card and dice is really part of the play.

Overall, the game play is solid, but with some tweaks could be great. Ad someone on a computer league, the ability to play with my people who have relocated intrigued me. I will try not to get to technical but give a quick review. I have the pleasure of being one of the beta testers for the online APBA game which allows the ability to play with anyone face-to-face while being across the street or across the world. The new game has new features which many fans have been clamoring for. Chicago APBA fan Rob Spatz had a chance to beta test the new APBA Online Baseball game.